Each round lasts just 90 seconds, and you may play whenever and anywhere you have access to the Internet. VocabGenii is a free online game that helps you improve your vocabulary.

New entries are posted on a regular basis, and archives of past entries are available. By hovering the mouse cursor over each, you may quickly learn what it means. It’s a free English online thesaurus that may help you figure out what words imply and how they’re related. It is founded on the foundations of a dictionary.

Wordia is a free games-based learning platform that combines word-based learning games with interactive video vocabulary. It’s a free online interactive English dictionary and thesaurus that may help you figure out what words mean and link them to other terms. VocabGrabber examines any text you’re interested in, producing lists of the most helpful vocabulary terms and demonstrating how they’re used in context. Lingro is an online environment that enables anybody learning a language to search up and acquire the vocabulary that matters to them the most fast. Wordnik displays meanings from a variety of sources so you may view as many alternative interpretations of a term as possible. Lexipedia is a visual semantic network with dictionary and thesaurus reference capabilities 6 that can be accessed online. Just The Word is a useful website that assists students in making educated choices about which words to use in their writing. Words are categorized based on how often they are misunderstood or misused. Learners will find a variety of vocabulary activities and assignments in this area, which are ideal for classroom use.Ĭonfusing Words is a collection of 3210 words that readers and authors find difficult to understand. This is a website designed to assist kids in mastering the language necessary for academic achievement. is a website that helps you learn new words. We’ve compiled a list of some of the finest online resources for teaching vocabulary. There are currently many online programs that are excellent for teaching vocabulary and that you may utilize in the classroom with your pupils. The free vocabulary websites for elementary students are a list of 16 websites that will teach and learn vocabulary. Vocabulary is an essential part of language learning, and by definition, vocabulary is the “knowledge of words and their meanings.” The following websites are great resources for teaching and learning vocabulary.